Set up motion-activated lights or sprinklers

 Set up motion-activated lights or sprinklers. Place a motion-activated device near the perimeter of your house, at the front of your property, around fruit trees, How To Remove Possums or on any other spots where possums frequent. Once the device is triggered on the animal several times, it won't want to come around again. catch possum Motion-activated devices are triggered once the possum crosses the sensor but they are also triggered by anything else that crosses the sensor possum in my house.

Motion-activated sprinklers tend to be slightly more effective than motion-activated lights. Lights are enough to frighten away skittish possums that are afraid of humans, but water sprinklers work better with possums that are a little more mature and a little harder to startle. get rid of possums Scatter dog or cat fur in the areas that possums frequent. Collect pet hair after brushing your dog or cat. Place the hair in small mesh bags and hang them or scatter them around areas at which possums frequently gather.

The smell of a potential predator might be enough to deter many possums from hanging around.

Note: Do not let your dog or cat roam free through the yard for the purpose of scaring away possums. They could get into a fight with aggressive possums or other dangerous animals. getting rid of possums Spread something that smells potent. Ammonia and garlic are scents that possums tend to flee from. If using ammonia, pour a small amount of ammonia into a coffee can with a lid. Place a rag inside the ammonia and bring one end up through a hole cut into the lid. The rag will act as a wick to disperse the fumes. Place one of these containers in every area where possums gather possum in my roof.


Place a clove of crushed garlic in any area that you want neighborhood possums to avoid. Crushed garlic is better than whole garlic since crushing it first allows more of the scent to escape. how to get rid of rats in the roof Apply a chemical repellent. Chemical repellents can be applied to gardens, flowerbeds, or the base of a structure. Purchase a product from your local home improvement or hardware store. Follow the instructions on the repellent to apply it safely. Most repellents consist of a powder that is sprinkled over the desired area. possum problems Different repellents use different ingredients, but predator urine is often one element of it.

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Do not intentionally provide food for the possums. Possums are attracted to yards and homes where food is plentiful, so feeding them your scraps will keep them around. By removing food sources, you will make your property dramatically less appealing. how to get rid of rats under my house You may think that you are doing a good deed, but possums fed by humans gradually lose their fear of humans and are more likely to become aggressive when food is not given to them.

Our Expert Agrees: Most pests are looking for a safe place to eat that also has an abundant food source. If you're leaving food out for other animals like stray cats, it's more likely that possums are eating the food. Eliminate the food sources to remove your possum problem. rodent trap Prevent possums from getting into your trash. Keep the lid of your garbage cans closed by securing it with bungee cords, chains, ropes, or weights. You could also buy garbage cans with lids that have clamps to keep them on. how to get rid of rats under my house Securing side handles to stakes driven into the ground will prevent the trash bins from tipping over.


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