Feed your pets inside.
Feed your pets inside. Regardless of whether your pets eat their food quickly, the smell of the food buildup may draw possums to your yard. On the off chance that taking care of inside is beyond the realm of imagination, feed your pets outside in the late morning or center of the evening, so the food isn't around in the early morning or late around evening time, which is when possums are most active. How To Remove Possums Eliminate all wellsprings of food and water before sunset gets comfortable, and get pet food far from pet entryways or different openings to the house catch possum . This incorporates taking care of creatures you keep outside, for example, chickens. Possums are frequently pulled in to chicken feed and they can kill your chickens on the off chance that they go into a coop, so feed your chickens early afternoon if possible get rid of possums .Eliminate or secure some other wellsprings of food. There are a wide assortment of wellsprings of nourishment for possums....